Who is Amber?

Hi there! 
   Welcome to my mind. I am a 24 year old artist, born and raised in NJ. Since I can remember, i have always loved art. However, I did not decide to pursue it as a career until early 2022.

   I classify myself as a surrealism artist. I am inspired by Earth and all of her beauty. I love to incorporate nature into my pieces, capturing the serenity that it expresses while merging a chaotic presence through the unreality that I create.

   My current goal is to expand my small business and create products with my art. I can only hope that one day I will be able to do this full time. I want to show my family (and others) that you can make a living doing what you love. You just have to work hard and show up for yourself. I want to leave something behind, my essence, when I am no longer here.
                                                   What will you leave behind?